In addition to the scholarship awards, Marin Music Chest has three additional awards offered to its participants. (Should the Honorable Mention Awards be listed here as well?)
Alma Tomlinson Award: The Marin Music Chest Board of Directors annually presents an award honoring the long service of Alma Tomlinson to Marin Music Chest. For over thirty years Alma advocated for high performance standards. The Board gives this additional $500 award to the student selected unanimously by the Artistic Committee as the most outstanding performer at the senior auditions.
Robert Greenwood Award: This award was established in 2018 by the Marin Music Chest, honors long-time colleague and former president Bob Greenwood, who shared his passion for music and commitment to young musicians by dedicating himself in many ways to the organization. His goal was, always, to keep classical music alive in Marin County and to continue the tradition of excellent performance established from Music Chest’s inception.
Young Artist Award: Five musicians are selected from each year’s scholarship winners to perform at a special concert called the Young Artists Concert, which is sponsored by the Mill Valley Chamber Music Society. These YA performers are selected by the judges as being the best of all the scholarship winners of that season. Consideration is also given to presenting a good, balanced program, as instrumentation is an important factor. The five performers are paid an honorarium, often their first earnings for a music performance.